Clients & speaking Engagements

Corporate Clients

Among others:
BNP Paribas
Groupe ADP
Crédit Agricole Ile-de-France
Accor Group
Servier Monde
Dassault Systèmes
Groupe Lagardère
Institut d'Expertise, d'Arbitrage et de Médiation
To do today
Ordre des Experts-comptables d’Ile de France


Washington DC area:
Art Museum of the Americas
Hirshhorn Museum
George Washington University Textile Museum
The Phillips Collection
Museum Series: Moderator of curatorial talks
Hillwood Museum
Middle East Institute Art Gallery
Hirshhorn Museum
National Gallery of Art

Alumni Chapters

Washington DC area:
Ecole Polytechnique and Sciences Po
Harvard Club of Washington


Tsing Hua University, Beijing
Shanghai International Studies University
SISU Shanghai China Internet Study Center, Beijing

Washington DC area:
Georgetown University
American University

Sciences Po Executive Education
Pekoia University
Sciences Po Paris ESCP Business school, Programme Excellence Propulsion

Think Tanks and Clubs

Washington DC area:
Urban Institute
Cosmos Club
Sulgrave Club
Metropolitan Club
Les Entretiens de Royaumont


Host of Moderating the #MUSEUM SERIES:
#MUSEUM SERIES is a new program of curatorial talks proposed by the French Embassy in DC in collaboration with the great museums of the Washington D.C. area.

Selected by the French Embassy to moderate a series of virtual events during 2021, to share the cultural richness of leading Washington, DC and Middle East institutions. Was asked to be the featured presenter to introduce leading curators for these institutions and to participate in panel discussions about the collections.

#MUSEUM SERIES N° 1: The Hillwood Estate museum and garden, March 2021.
Moderator and panelist for a discussion of one of Washington, DC’s premier private collections.

#MUSEUM SERIES N°2: The Middle East Institute’s Arts and Culture Center.
Moderator for a conversation with two leading Syrian contemporary artists, Bady Dalloul and Nagham Hodaifa. The Paris-based artists reflected on the past decade of conflict and trauma, its impact and influence on their work and their relationship to their homeland.

#MUSEUM SERIES N°3: Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC.
Moderated a conversation with Associate Curator, Ms. Anne Reeve, on the sculpture garden, iconic works, personal favorites, and the future of the museum and its outdoor galleries.

#MUSEUM SERIES N°4: The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
Moderated a conversation with Mary Morton, Curator and Head of Department, French Paintings, discussing iconic pieces, themes, and favorite artworks, along with public questions.


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